
  Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

  1. Please stop making so much, children. The baby is sleeping.

  A. sound B. voice C. noise D. footstep

  2. Be more careful and we can   these accidents.

  A. make B. take C. prevent D. cause

  3. —    volleyball is this?

  —I guess it’s Linda’s.

  A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Which

  4. —Did   help you with the work?

  —No, I finished it myself.

  A. everybody B. somebody C. nobody D. anybody

  5.    is dangerous for children to swim in the river alone.

  A. It B. That C. This D. He

  6. —Excuse me, when are we going to have a picnic?

  —I’m not sure. Ask our monitor, please. He   know.

  A. need B. can C. may D. shall

  7. (2013•广州中考)Thanks for your invitation, b ut I’m so sorry I can’t go. I need to

  and help my brother with his English at home.

  A. take away B. take off C. take care of D. take out of

  8. The girl is talented in   singing   dancing, so she was chosen to perform at the Spring Festival Gala.

  A. either; or B. not only; but also C. neither; or D. neither; nor

  9. Yesterday Li Ming went to the village   he lived five years ago.

  A. when B. which C. where D. that


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SRC-23484806 2017-06-23